Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's dust this baby off: Wedding; LDS Temple

Holy Cow, haven't been around here in a while. It's been a busy few months and I have lots to post about, so let's start with a wedding.

Had a great time photographing the "after ceremony" outside of the LDS Temple in San Antonio. This temple is a beautiful building and provides some wonderful photo spots around its campus. All in all, a very photogenic couple in a stunning location. It was night time, so you know what that calls for: Silhouettes!!!






Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saint Anthony de Padua, Fresno, Ca

Here is one of the many beautiful churches we got to visit in California this past week. I had the extreme pleasure of studying this place for two uninterrupted hours and came out with some neat stuff for sure. Enjoy.

Yours TrulyStained Glass Up Close

Friday, July 18, 2008

More High Key Produce

I think the high key look is choice for the produce shots for my gardening blog, Gardening In Converse. It's a gardening blog for the hip so the stylish look seems to fit it. Here are some shots from work I did for two recent posts, one on strawberry jam, and one on giant jalapeños.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Trash the Dress: Big Bend

One helluva time. I couldn't have asked for a better subject to photograph. Not only were we smack dab in the middle of the blue sky, red rock desert, but we had this dress, hmmm, better shoot it. We got some interesting looks from the other park patrons.

San Antonio Wedding Photographer

san antonio photography
trash the dress

Big Bend

A few from my recent trip to Big Bend. Exploring different parts of the park is always fun and this time we got to venture a bit more from the Chisos. There still remains vast portions of the park we have not seen, but you can't expect to catch it all in a day. Not to mention that much of the park is out of range for the majority of vehicles. One of these days I am buying a Jeep.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Rick and Pam: A few more

Just a few more pics from my last San Antonio Wedding.

San Antonio wedding photography
san antonio wedding photographer
San antonio wedding

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wedding RIngs

A quick one. From a while back. I always enjoy doing the product side of wedding photography. It gives a photographer a chance to change gears and work on something that demands a different approach.
wedding photographer san antonio

Thursday, June 19, 2008

San Antonio Wedding Photography - Rick and Pam

A had the pleasure of working with Melinda Kurti of Other Than Roses Photography last weekend. Had a blast with this fun couple. Best speech by a best man EVER!!!

san antonio wedding photography
eric kotara san antonio wedding
kotara, san antonio, wedding photography
san antonio, wedding photography, eric kotara
Interested in my services?  Drop me a line at our client website for San Antonio wedding photography.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Old Wedding Travels

A couple of shots while traveling in Costa Rica for a friends wedding in late December '07.

san antonio, interior photographer, interiors, architectural photography, commission
Subsequently, this last image has become my new banner.  All that empty space was screaming for it.
© 2008 Eric Kotara Photography

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Downtown San Antonio with friends

Got to do some pleasure shooting downtown with four other local photographers. Had a blast and got to do some new things. Certainly learned a few things I can apply to my professional work. Looking forward to second shooting next weekend with Melinda Kurti of Other Than Roses.

© 2008 Eric Kotara Photography

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fractal Cauliflower

Some not so recent work done for my hip gardening blog, Gardening In Converse. Full Post is here. I have always been interested in product photography so I do use that tool set whenever I can.© 2008 Eric Kotara Photography

Monday, March 31, 2008

San Antonio Wedding - Melissa and Mike

Great day with these two. Such a lovely couple and very photogenic. I had a wonderful time photographing their wedding and getting to do her bridal portraiture. Best of luck to Mike, and thank you for your service.san antonio wedding photographer eric kotara
wedding photographer san antonio austin kotara
san antonio photography eric kotara

Click here to for a San Antonio Wedding Photographer
© 2008 Eric Kotara Photography