Getting over the Atlantic was a bear, but not quite as trying or say, life threatening as some of my previous travels, so not too many complaints there. Once there the food was warm, the company good, and the times memorable.
Oh yeah, my award ceremony for surviving 17 days in Europe with just carry on luggage, including camera gear, is to be held this Saturday. See you there.
So here you go, a taste of our travels:
Bas Relief
Random mind boggling architecture grab.
St. Bartholomew
MMmmmm, gelato...
The walking group, stopping for a group shot under the Pantheon Oculus.
On from the Infrared Camera, thanks Susie.
Interesting faces appear in walls in Assisi at Four in the morning, did you know that?
Walk this way, and if you don't...
A traveler's days are long.
"You need to update your blog, no seriously"
This makes me so happy! I've been religiously checking the blog. Thanks Eric!!
EXCELLENT pics from the Rome trip!
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